mercredi 31 octobre 2007

I chose to be Seth
The summer is over and I’ m the only one of my friends staying at Newport Beach. My girlfriend, Summer, is at the university. My best friend Ryan works in a bar and he lives in the back store of this bar. Taylor is in Paris, France. My friend Marrissa died last years in a car accident. So I’m alone and I want my friend Ryan to come back home because I know he’s not feeling good. He thinks the Cohen family was better without him. But it’s not true! During this time I have my comic books store with two friends. I call Summer everyday and each time I have to leave her a message because she’s very busy. Last night Ryan was supposed to come eat at home to reassure my parents that he was fine, but he didn't show up. My parents were very anxious because Ryan didn't call. I went to look for him and he was hurt. He had preferred get into a boxing match instead of eating with us and he lost. He told me to leave him alone so I went away. In the morning I went to my store and Summer was waiting for me. I was very happy. She was going to see Ryan and she came back with him. He saw the comic book that I made for him and he understood that we need him because he saved our lives. Ryan’s back home.

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